Paraffin Wax
Every day, individuals demand a great deal from their hands and feet, which are subject to some of the greatest wear-and-tear on the body. Taking the time to pamper, moisturize, and smooth the delicate skin of these sensitive areas can improve the appearance of the hands and feet, and rejuvenation treatments like our paraffin wax baths can actually help to ease tension and reduce joint stiffness, improving functionality as well.
Paraffin is a soft, petroleum-based mineral wax that melts at a low temperature, making it more comfortable to place on the skin. Designed to soften and smooth the outer layer of skin, the accompanying warming sensation can also loosen tight muscles and reduce joint fatigue. We offer paraffin wax baths for both the hands and the feet either as a solo treatment or in combination with our other aesthetic enhancements, including facials, chemical peels, and massages. Our experienced aestheticians can customize a relaxing and rejuvenating treatment plan for individuals seeking more comprehensive enhancement.